
Sem Concreting Placer


Concrete Placer Units combine a concrete mixer and pump together in one compact unit. Mounted on a cocopan or rubber-tyre chassis.

Tow the unit into position, feed in compressed air and it is ready for your application, whether underground or surface concrete placing, guniting, shotcreting or grouting, the SEM 200/100 does the job on the spot.

It changes functions as easily as fitting a reducer pipe.

They can be fitted with air, electric or flameproof electric motors.

Applications that require a SEM Concrete Placer Pump Unit:

  • Underground or surface concrete placing
  • Guniting
  • Shotcreting
  • Grouting

SEM Concrete Placer Units

The SEM pump offers a simple and efficient way of conveying concrete through pipelines, using the unique pneumatic screw system.  There are no mechanical working parts in the pump.

1. Concreting

  • SAVES LABOUR – no more manhandling of concrete up and down inclines or shafts. The concrete is pumped through the pipeline directly into the shutter – 100m horizontally or 18m vertically
  • INCREASED PRODUCTION – pan mixers are faster than conventional drum-mixers. The pump will place concrete as fast as the mixer can produce
  • NO TIME WASTED IN SETTING UP EQUIPMENT – the unit is towed into place, the pipeline coupled up, the air-feed connected, and the operation can start
  • FLEXIBILITY – the pipeline can easily be carried through narrow openings and into inaccessible areas

2. Shotcreting

  • LOW REBOUND – Only 5% to 15%
  • NO DUST PROBLEM – SEM wet mix system reduces dust count to safe proportions
  • SKILLED NOZZLE OPERATOR NOT REQUIRED – Nozzle operator has minimal influence on quality of shotcrete because of premixing
  • LOW AIR CONSUMPTION – Very economical compressed air requirements
  • UNIFORM QUALITY AND GOOD ADHESION – ensured by wet mix

NO MOVING PARTS in the pump reduce the danger of mechanical breakdown. This means negligible maintenance and minimal spare parts are required.

SEM 200/100 Concreting Placer Unit

The SEM 200/100 combines Mixer and Pump in one compact unit.

  • Mounted on cocopan or rubber-tyre chassis
  • Tow the unit into position, feed in compressed air and it is ready for your application
  • Whether underground or surface concrete placing, guniting, shotcreting or grouting, the SEM 200/100 does the job on the spot
  • SEM 200/100 units can be fitted with air, electric or flameproof electric motors
  • Changes functions as easily as fitting a reducer pipe.